God! Do you have any idea what it is like to look at food and feel disgusting but still eat it because I have to or my stomach feels like it is caving in. I survive on eating around 1000 calories then burning off 1500 calories. I love seeing my food journal read a negative number, it makes me feel a little better about myself.
So I cannot look at myself in a mirror!!!! Every time I see myself I just want to starve myself just to be pretty. I just want to cut and cut and cut. I want to glide that shiny blade across my thigh and just see the only beautiful thing about me run down my leg. Glistening Red Stream. I feel conflicting thoughts run through my head. I want to be covered in scars, those are the only things that exert beauty on my skin. But the thought that no one will ever love a cutter, especially an unattractive one at that. I just look back at everything I write and I think about how pathetic I sound. A lot of people have it worse than I but I still feel like my life is shit. I know that a part of me wants to get help but then the majority of me thinks that I am unfixable and that everything I do is just a call for attention and a way to cope at nonexistent problems. I don't know what to think anymore. I have kind of given up on everything. Well everything but my schooling because that is the only thing that I have a bit of a chance to be successful.
All in all, I feel numb- dead- if feel nothing just emptiness... I feel that if I disappeared no one would care. I am just DONE with everything.
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