So living in this household causes me to want to cut like every FUCKING day... But I don't... I wish it was fall or winter because then I can start cutting my wrist again.... I miss it... A lot!... I love just looking at it and running my fingertips over the precise lines running across my wrist. I want the blood to be dripping down my arm. I do not want to have to have my pants down in order to cut myself. I loved the convenience of just lifting my bracelet or a sleeve and releasing SO MUCH tension and anger that I feel... Oh the anger! So frustrating when there is nothing I can do... I hate being told that my hardest is not up to expectations... I feel worthless, like a failure. I constantly wonder that if I died, maybe they would appreciate what I am able to do... If only I could actually kill myself and not fail at that too... I get close but then my body seems to fight everything I do.... EVERYTHING.
Yesterday, my mother's boyfriend's son Caleb was asking me a bunch of questions about me. He asked me if I had any friends and that really like hit me hard. I actually do not have any friends. I said that I had one, Annabelle... It made me wanna cry. A three year old snapped me back to reality. I have lost all my friends.. All because of stupid fucking high school drama.